FCA National Convention and Palmer College Florida

FCA National Convention and Palmer College Florida

The past two weeks have been very busy and rewarding for me and my wife, Kiana. They were highlighted by the annual FCA Convention and a technique class I presented at Palmer College Florida.

The FCA National Convention

On the last weekend of August I attended the Florida Chiropractic Association’s National Convention in Orlando. It was a huge event attended by more than three thousand Chiropractors and several thousand more family members and staff.

The continuing education classes were great and I attended as many as I could. When not in class I spent all of my time in the exhibition hall at the booth of Impac Inc., the manufacturer of the instruments I use in my practice.

Not only do I use instrument adjusting extensively in my practice; as a writer and teacher I have long been an enthusiastic proponent of their use.

Instrument assisted adjusting allows a much higher level of specificity and precision in the chiropractic correction of subluxations and extremity faults, and facilitates cranial nerve and myotome rehabilitation procedures.

Better chiropractic corrections change the lives of patients. Instrument adjusting opens the door to an expanded population of potential chiropractic patients who would have previously resisted or refused to see a chiropractor because of fear associated with the sounds and sensations of the traditional adjustment. Instrument adjusting eliminates that barrier and defuses the objections and warnings of MDs who tell patients not to let a chiropractor “crack your neck or back”.

Another major benefit of instrument adjusting is that it saves and extends chiropractor’s careers.     The stress on the chiropractor’s body is dramatically reduced or eliminated by switching to instrument assisted adjusting.

My own career was resurrected by it after four years on disability due to practice related compression fractures of my spine. That is why I so enthusiastically advocate it to new and more experienced chiropractors alike.

At the FCA Convention I personally adjusted dozens of chiropractors. All complained of difficulty in getting adequate care in their home towns. Many had seen me at previous FCA conventions, saying such things as, “I was hoping you would be here, the adjustment I got from you last year was the best and longest lasting I ever had.”

This is the same kind of feedback I get from my patients in The Bahamas, many of whom come from all over the world.

It is this kind of feedback that has inspired me to share my 48 years of practice experience, expertise and unique protocols of patient examination, analysis and correction with other members of the profession to help them enjoy better results and patient compliance without injuring themselves as I did.

My Presentation at Palmer College Florida

I am especially interested in reaching out to chiropractic students and doctors new in practice. I want to help them be the best doctors they can and shorten their road to a satisfying and rewarding career.

So I was extremely pleased to receive an invitation to present my work to the senior class at the Palmer College in Port Orange, Florida this past Thursday, September 10.

As an introduction to the class, my wife Kiana talked about our experiences practicing for the past fifteen years as The Out Island Chiropractor in Abaco, Bahamas. Our practice was such fun, so unique and totally portable, we thought the students would enjoy a glimpse of it.

The slide presentation of my Adventures in Practice was posted in this blog on September 13. It shows how you can give great care just about anywhere: on boats, in the bush, on the beach, or just about any place you can imagine. Check it out.

Following that introduction, I discussed my idea of ChiroPractice Made Perfect and demonstrated my unique examination and correction protocols. I did a complete new patient examine and corrections on a real patient, one of the Palmer students who has had a difficult and persistent problem since he was in high school.

My protocols, which are unique, totally patient focused and interactive, engage the patient with every part of the examination and correction. That means the patient “experiences” their examination findings rather than just being told about them. Likewise they immediately experience the effects of my corrective procedures, with instant feedback using before and after muscle testing.

This kind of chiropractic care provides a very positive, meaningful and memorable experience for the patient. It also provides the doctor with the opportunity to very specifically document what he did and the effect it had on the patient, which is very useful to reference during future visits, as well as for medico legal purposes.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with these students, and they seemed to enjoy it too, since many stayed long after the class was officially over. And several indicated interest in spending more time with me in smaller, hands on technique seminars, which Kiana and I are organizing now and hope to begin offering in October.

I am very excited about doing more of this kind of teaching, since I feel that the most important thing I can do at this point in my life and career is to share my knowledge and experience with the younger members of the profession.

If you are interested in attending, please send me an email at [email protected]











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The Out Island Chiropractor’s Adventures in Practice

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Detoxification with Dr. Edward Group III

Detoxification with Dr. Edward Group III, originally published by The American Chiropractor June 2015

By Dr. William H. Koch

The chiropractic profession has a rich history filled with uniquely gifted individuals. Beginning with the founders, DD and BJ Palmer, each generation of chiropractors has brought forth people of extraordinary intelligence, vision and courage. We refer to them as pioneers. They blazed new trails and cruised into uncharted waters allowing us to be where we are today. We are the beneficiaries of their work.

Chiropractic, at 120 years of age, is still very young as a healing arts profession when compared to allopathic medicine, ayurveda and acupuncture which have existed for millennia. Pioneering is still going on in chiropractic as members of our profession with a unique combination of extraordinary abilities engage in research and development of technologies that benefit us and our patients.

In my series of interview articles I have been proud to introduce notable colleagues who the average, busy, practicing doctor might never have heard of otherwise. It is my pleasure to showcase their work.

Dr. Edward Group, IIIIn this Interview with Dr. Edward Group III, author of The GREEN Body Cleanse, you will be introduced to an innovator and maverick in the field of natural healing. Dr. Group is a chiropractor, naturopathic physician, biochemist and researcher.

The son of one of Exxon’s top chemists and developer of things like Saran Wrap and PVC plastic, Dr. Group first aspired to be a cardiac surgeon. However, when both of his parents died of cancer at an early age, his interest was diverted to the cause, cure and treatment of cancer. He chose to pursue his doctorate in chiropractic because of its natural and vitalistic philosophy, science and art.

In 1998, soon after receiving his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Texas Chiropractic College he opened a clinic in Houston, Texas. His overriding interest in cancer led to studying the natural cancer treatment protocols used by clinics in Mexico, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The information acquired from studying those protocols as well as from his chiropractic education and background in chemistry, led him to an understanding of the fundamental importance of detoxifying the body in any program aimed at eliminating disease, and most especially cancer. Utilizing this knowledge and philosophy to create his own protocols for cancer treatment, Dr. Group’s clinic started to get phenomenal results. Word of the success of his protocols spread rapidly, drawing patients from all over the world.

Unfortunately, he also got the attention of the FDA who shut down his clinic and seized his records and equipment with the order to cease and desist. Realizing he could not fight the Federal Government and FDA, he re-strategized with a new focus on helping the body to heal itself through what he determined to be the common cause of degenerative disease, systemic toxicity.

KOCH: I am pleased to introduce my esteemed colleague, Dr. Edward Group. Ed, your journey is fascinating and your story is like an adventure novel.

In our limited space, please give our readers an overview of your work as it exists today and the conclusions that you have drawn.

GROUP: Detoxifying and cleansing the body is the most important thing we can do to give the body the upper hand in overcoming just about any disease or condition you can think of. We live in a sea of toxins that saturate our food, air and water. It is virtually impossible to escape them. But if we are to survive and experience any reasonable level of health, we have to recognize their existence and do everything necessary to get them out of our bodies.

KOCH: Most chiropractors know that what you are saying is true, but the big question is what can we do about it since it is such a pervasive problem. I wanted to talk to you about this issue because I have been very impressed with your work and your passion for healing.

GROUP: Thank you, Bill. You are right, this is my passion and life’s work. The task of detoxification and cleansing is enormous and never ending because we cannot avoid the exposure. Toxins are everywhere.

Because of this we must understand that the job will never be done. It will require ongoing vigilance and effort. It must be undertaken as a matter of not only personal survival, but the survival of our species. It is that serious.

KOCH: I know that what you are saying is all too true. The assault we are under from a multitude of toxins and carcinogenic chemicals in our environment and food is terrifying. So what is your strategy?

GROUP: After many years of research and study I can now say that my approach is simple. But it is certainly not easy.

In the early years of my clinical practice, like everyone else, I used extensive blood analysis for testing and about 260 natural supplements and formulations. Over the years, however, I simplified my approach to a one that does not rely as much on testing or on using a shelf full of supplements into one that puts the major emphasis on body cleansing and detoxification to better enable the body to heal itself. Because that is what I have found works best.

The bottom line is this, Bill: The cleaner the body the more it will kick in its own natural defenses, immunity and healing mechanisms. You have always heard that given the right conditions the body is capable of overcoming any disease or condition known to man. And I am here to tell you that it is true. And I have a huge number of case studies to prove it.

KOCH: I have read your book, The GREEN Body Cleanse, and am personally convinced that your conclusions are correct. If people want to have the chance to live healthy lives they must be proactive. They must be informed, convinced and committed to taking responsibility for their own health. And ready to consistently do what it takes to keep their bodies clean.

GROUP: Right again. Here it is in a nutshell. Toxins are the enemy. The list is almost endless and still growing. We must first prevent as much toxin as possible from ever entering our bodies. I know we cannot do this perfectly, but we have to do the best we can by eating organic, non GMO foods and by filtering our water, which we know is contaminated by chlorine, fluorides, industrial and agricultural chemicals. Most water supplies also contain pharmaceutical residues from such things as birth control pills and hormone replacement drugs which are known endocrine disruptors, as well as residues of psychogenic drugs such as Prozac and other anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs which are known to affect people’s minds, moods and emotions. To purge these things from our water supplies requires sophisticated filtration systems such as reverse osmosis or distillation.

However, knowing that even if we consistently do our best to keep our bodies clean we cannot possibly keep all of the toxins from entering.

We must then have a way to get rid of those that have accumulated in the intestines, liver, kidneys and other tissues. Yet we must be sure that the method and products we use to cleanse ourselves are safe. In other words, the “project” of cleansing must be safe, effective and natural – and not add to the toxic load as some of the currently popularized “detox” products do.

The simple solution is to get rid of the toxins and to keep them out with a safe, effective and ongoing program. It is not easy but it is worth it.

KOCH: I agree that it is worth the time and effort to get healthy and stay healthy. A body that is not burdened by toxicity is capable of mounting an immune response that can take care of most diseases that challenge us.

But as you emphasize in your book, unless we keep our bodies clean and as toxin free as possible, they will not be able to do their natural job of self healing.   We as doctors need to do this for ourselves and to encourage and guide our patients to do the same.

Your book provides a great “how to” blueprint we can use to achieve this goal. And I encourage everyone to read it.

Ed, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us today. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

GROUP: Yes, Bill. I must point out that there is another toxin that is harder to get rid of than those in the food, air and water. It comes from prolonged, severe stress. It is the ultimate toxin because it alters our internal environment so completely.

All else being equal, if we are chronically and severely stressed, it is difficult to be truly healthy. Stress is an enemy that we all must fight individually because it can sabotage all of our other efforts to be healthy.

KOCH: I strongly recommend that my readers visit Dr. Group’s website  www.GlobalHealingCenter.com and obtain a copy of his book The Green Body

Cleanse available at Amazon.com. It contains 329 pages of valuable information about every aspect of detoxifying your home as well as your body using organic methods.

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Brain Purification

I just read a great blog post by my good friend, Gary Scott which I would like to share with you. Gary’s articles are https://findprednisone.com/ always interesting and inspiring. This article is on brain purification, a subject we were discussing last week.  It is a subject important to us all, especially as we age.

And it reminds us never to underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep.

Dr. Bill

Brain Purification

by Gary A Scott     Friday April 17th, 2015

Here are three steps you can take that help purify the brain.  I love it when coincidences beat me over the head with important ideas.  Recently three separate events slammed into my day. 
The first was a visit by our Super Spanish teacher, Don Childs.  Don had been researching the importance magnesium has in developing natural health.   I could write an entire report about this subject.  In fact I asked Don if he would.  If I can coax him to do so, I’ll share it with you.Then later the same day Bill Koch a friend and a chiropractor (and much,much more!) who helps me maintain my health balance was talking to me and mentioned the importance of REM sleep because it helps purify the brain.  During REM sleep, Bill told me; “Cerebrospinal fluid flows along arterial channels and removes amyloid plaque”.If you wish to be technical, you can read a report published about this entitled: “A Paravascular Pathway Facilitates CSF Flow Through the Brain Parenchyma and the Clearance of Interstitial Solutes, Including Amyloid β” at US Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (1).Then Merri sent me an article the same day from Dr. Mercola “Poor sleep promotes Alzheimers” (2).  He covers the importance of REM sleep and calls it a brain enema.The key points in Mercoa’s article are that:#1: Lack of sleep has ramifications that go far beyond not feeling fully awake and refreshed during the day.

#2: Numerous studies have linked poor sleep or lack of sleep to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

#3:  One reasons for this link is that the brain’s waste removal system only operates during deep sleep.

#4:  The brain has a unique method of removing toxic waste.

#5: The body pumps cerebral spinal fluid through the brain and flushes waste into your body’s circulatory system where it’s eliminated.

#6:  During sleep this process is ten times more active than during wakefulness allowing your brain to clear out toxins, including harmful proteins called amyloid-beta, the buildup of which has been linked to Alzheimer’s.

#7:  During its active process, the brain spews out toxic free radicals as a by-product of making energy. Sleep is the only time the brain has to catch its breath. If it doesn’t, it may drown in its own biological debris.  Brain cells need a break every night or eventually, they collapse.   Enough sleep is required to produce antioxidants that mop up these potential poisons.

Omega-3 and Vitamin D help in this process because research suggests that they may control brain serotonin.

Animal-based omega-3 and vitamin D can improve cognitive function by regulating your brain’s serotonin levels.

One research paper illuminates links that explain why low vitamin D… and marine omega-3 deficiencies interact with genetic pathways, such as the serotonin pathway, that are important for brain development, social cognition, and decision-making.  Serotonin is also an immediate precursor to melatonin, which has many important health benefits, including a reduced cancer risk.

Serotonin is also an important brain chemical in regulating the sleep/wake cycle.

To have a clearer, sharper and healthier brain, sleep.

Here are the steps that help bring it on… sleep that is and the better, longer lasting, good thoughts it brings.

#1:  Omega 3 Oil.

#2:  Magnesium Oil.

#3:  Sleep inducing essential oils.


(1) A Paravascular Pathway Facilitates CSF Flow Through the Brain Parenchyma and the Clearance of Interstitial Solutes, Including Amyloid β

(2) Poor sleep promotes alzheimers

The post Brain Purification appeared first on Gary A. Scott.

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Obamacare Compliance

Obamacare Compliance:  What’s The Story?

Obamacare seems like a big axe being held over the heads of all healthcare providers. Because of the volume of details in the law with so many requirements and provisions, it is difficult for most of us to know what to do and not do.

As usual there are people who come out of the woodwork to take advantage of our fear of running afoul of the law. They represent themselves as authorities and our saviors by providing information and manuals they say is necessary to stay out of trouble and an orange jumpsuit.

Like all of you, I have been deluged with sales letters and e-mails hawking various programs for as much as $449.00!

Rather than getting out my checkbook, I decided to take advantage of one of the great benefits of membership in The Florida Chiropractic Association. I called my good friend and FCA attorney Paul Lambert Esq. to get his take on Obamacare Compliance and the programs that are being hyped.

“Most of them are pure BS and not relevant to 99.9% of our profession” said Mr. Lambert. They are happy to sell you a 5 inch thick manual that is for big clinics and hospitals. They include things like OSHA and other requirements that don’t apply unless you have more than ten or fifteen employees.”

Paul Lambert then told me to relax and not worry, that he is working on a Obama Care Compliance Manual that will be relevant to the solo chiropractic practioner and small group practices that make up all but a tiny segment of our profession.

FCA will be offering this manual free of charge to members as it did with the HIPPA Compliance Manual that he also wrote for FCA members. I am confident that, as with the HIPPA manual, Mr. Lambert will do everything he can to simplify what could otherwise be a very complicated and confusing set of regulations.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Florida Chiropractic Association to all Florida Chiropractors and even to those in other nearby states. My personal experience with it has been very positive. I have attended many of their very high quality continuing education programs held at a variety of locations throughout the state, and their big national convention which is held in Orlando every August.

They also now provide a special seminar in late March every other year just before the end of the re-licensing biennium, so that doctors who have not yet completed their CE requirements can pick up the units they still need to file their license renewal in time.  FCA even arranges with the State of Florida Department of Health to provide agents to process the doctor’s renewals on site to assure that they will not be late. What an incredible service to members!

It has been my experience that all of the FCA programs are well organized making is very easy to register and document CEUs even when there are several thousand attendees. The FCA staff members are helpful, courteous and always available to answer questions.

All things considered, we get a lot of bang for our FCA membership buck.


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Simple and Simply Profound

Simple and Simply Profound: Easy Weight Loss & More

I recently had the distinct pleasure to learn that my good friend, Gary Scott (garyascott.com) had featured one of my exercise routines in his daily newsletter. Here is an excerpt from that newsletter:

“I was delighted when Merri’s and my longtime friend, Dr. Bill Koch, moved from the Bahamas to Mount Dora. Bill has been a practicing chiropractor for 44 years. He and his wife Kiana are on a mission to change people’s lives for the better by helping them reduce pain, improve their hormonal imbalances, and overcome metabolic, digestive and weight problems. Bill helps me deal with back and neck problems I suffer from time to time, the result of a car accident in my youth. This injury is exacerbated by the work related stress that comes from sitting in front of a computer too many hours a day. Previously I enjoyed his help infrequently, catch as catch can, when our paths crossed in Ecuador or the Bahamas. Now that we live near each

other Bill is focusing on regularly helping me with my health.

“After a recent treatment he taught me this simple exercise to help overcome my back and neck pain.

Gary Scott demonstrating position 1

Gary Scott
demonstrating position 1

Gary Scott demonstrating position 2

Gary Scott
demonstrating position 2

“I breathe in as I move my shoulders back and take a deep breath (position 1, left). Picture pinning something in the middle of your back with your shoulder blades. Then breathe out and slowly move your head down, chin to chest and bring your shoulders forward (position 2, right).”




“Luckily I started this exercise around the first of the year. I do not do this as a New Year resolution. Keeping my weight in check is a year round struggle for me. The battle of the bulge is always raging.

“Once I started doing this exercise, for my back, I noticed something different with my eating. Previously, at 10:30 and 3:30 especially, I simply had to eat. No matter what I told my self. No matter what I thought or did, my brain simply took over. My will power was out of control.

“I do this slowly, gently with deep, slow breaths. If I feel even a touch of pain I am doing it too forcefully.

“Does the exercise seem too simple to you? This is the simplest, easiest, most convenient exercise I have ever tried and this is why it is so profound. Simple works. Complex usually does not. Utterly simple works extremely well. This exercise helps move fresh, glucose rich CSF to the brain and stops the brain from panicking because it’s not getting enough glucose.

“Now when I start to feel the hunger, I do this exercise. “Breathe in as I move my shoulders back and take a deep breath.”

Read the full article…

Dr. Bill

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Low-T Part 2

Low-T Part 2

Low T, ED and the Cardiovascular Connection

In recent years, the male erection has gone from a subject only spoken about in private conversations or whispered about in public to the focus of magazine articles and TV advertisements for over the counter and prescription drugs to treat what is now commonly known as erectile dysfunction or “ED.”

Erectile Function is more than “just a matter of blood flow” as so many of the ads for popular drugs to treat ED suggest. It is a complex mechanism involving a combination of hormonal, cardiovascular, neurovascular and neuro-emotional components.

While it certainly is a matter of blood flow, there is more to it than that. The erection is the end result of a complex process. Treating it as simply a matter of blood flow to the penis with a drug designed to treat just that symptom is a glaring example of the poor medical practice of treating symptoms without investigating and correcting the underlying cause.

The prudent physician who takes a functional approach to healthcare knows that ED can be an indicator of more serious problems. The inability to get or sustain an erection could be symptomatic of several more serious medical issues such as cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalance, neuro-emotional or other physiological stressors. I believe that artificially inducing an erection with drugs is a questionable and potentially dangerous practice.

I also believe that it is ultimately a disservice to men to artificially induce erections with drugs when they could be experiencing natural erections if they were diagnosed and treated functionally.

The good news is that there are natural solutions to each of the key underlying causes of ED.

In his book, The Testosterone Switch™, Dr. Kyl Smith clearly outlines his science based, three part strategy to naturally raise a man’s testosterone to a healthy level using a combination of a low Glycemic/ high anti-oxidant diet, high intensity exercise and a particular combination of nutraceuticals that have been scientifically proven to help balance the hormones and reduce the effects of stress by supporting brain and endocrine health. [This book is currently only available from Progressive Labs 1-800-527-9512. Ask for Nancy Craig and tell her Dr. Koch referred you. Use the code 35093 for a 10% discount.]

As the subtitle to his book indicates, following this program to turn on the “Testosterone Switch™” will lead to improved “lean muscle mass, physical stamina, endurance, vitality, motivation, mental performance, speed of reaction, sexual functions, libido and capability.”

In other words, this is a program for good health. And good health is dapoxetine a pre-requisite for good sexual function.

In another great book, The Hardness Factor, author, Dr. Steven Lamm points out the link between strong sexual function and good health. He affirms that maintaining a healthy weight, normal testosterone production and the ability to engage in vigorous physical activity are requisite factors and good indicators of a man’s ability to maintain a rock hard erection and have a healthy sex life. In other words, good health and hard erections are synonymous.

Dr. Lamm says, “When a man’s blood vessels are healthy and elastic, his heart and brain are functioning well — and his erections are rock hard. When his neural connections are firing and nitric oxide is being released in great abundance throughout his body, his cognition is high – and his erections are rock hard.”

There are many natural supplements that increase nitric oxide production. Increased Nitric Oxide (NO) levels support erectile function, cardiovascular health, blood pressure, blood flow, arterial function and exercise performance.

These natural products can safely improve overall health and male performance, for true vitality, providing an alternative to prescription drugs that artificially boost erectile function without addressing the underlying functional faults.

In addition to diet, exercise and supplements, there are advanced chiropractic techniques that have been proven to be effective in restoring structural and neurological balance, which is also necessary for good health, vitality and strong sexual function.

In my book, Conversations with Chiropractic Technique Masters, I discuss a number of these advanced techniques. One of them, Quantum Neurology® Cranial Nerve Rehabilitation, is of special importance for its ability to re-establish the parasympathetic-sympathetic balance of the autonomic nervous system.

When the autonomic nervous system becomes sympathetic dominate due to prolonged stress, normal erectile function is impossible. This is because erectile function is a strictly parasympathetic event, and sympathetic dominance shuts off the erectile response.

When we restore the autonomic nervous system balance necessary for erectile function, we also re-establish the neurological, hormonal, metabolic and cardiovascular environment necessary for overall health and well being.

Dr. Bill

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Testosterone–The Low-T Solution

Testosterone–The Low-T Solution

The hot topic for men these days seems to be low testosterone. In the men’s health magazines, on the radio, on TV, in the news and the commercials, everybody is talking about “low-T.” They are either advertising a product to treat low-T – or soliciting those injured by side effects of the drug treatments to participate in class action law suits.

There is no doubt that low testosterone is a very real condition affecting more and more men these days. It is an important quality of life issue.

Lower than normal healthy testosterone levels are a serious health concern affecting millions of American men, young and old. While lower testosterone levels are expected as men enter old age, it is not something we should be seeing in 30 or 40 year olds. But this is becoming common.

Healthy men should have testosterone levels greater than 550mg/dl through middle age and beyond. Yet 25% of men over 30 have blood testosterone below this level.

It became personal when, as I got into my late sixties I began noticing changes in my strength, endurance, moods and muscle mass. I had my hormone levels checked and decided it was indeed an issue for me.

When I read Dr. Kyl Smith’s book, The Testosterone Switch, I realized that a low-T problem was more than just an uncomfortable cause of looking and feeling older. Low testosterone, even low-normal levels of testosterone can have some very serious negative health implications, including increased risk of death from a variety of causes.

Below is an excerpt from Dr. Kyl Smith’s book which is an amazing list of science-based, low testosterone facts:

  • Low-normal total testosterone concentrations are associated with reductions in energy, motivation, initiative, self-confidence, concentration and memory, sleep quality, muscle bulk and strength, diminished physical or work performance, feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, mild anemia, and increased body fat and body mass index.
  • Male sexual performance and function are dependent upon testosterone adequacy. The strength, duration and quality of erections as well as the frequency of successful intercourse are proportional to serum free testosterone concentration, and successful erectile function is facilitated by testosterone.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for premature death from any cause.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for death from any cancer.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for death from cardiovascular disease.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the combined risk for suffering a first stroke or first transient ischemic attack.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations are associated with reduced male sexual desire, function, performance and potency.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for memory loss.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for developing clinical depression.
  • Low-normal serum testosterone concentrations increase the risk for an increased level of systemic inflammation.

That should be enough to make any man want to get his testosterone checked and then do something to get it up to healthy levels.

The question was what to do about it.

Treating “low T” in men with a synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is proving to be as ill advised as synthetic HRT for women. Potentially deadly side effects of Testosterone HRT include heart attack, stroke, blood clots and a possible increase in prostate cancer risk. The risk of such dangerous side effects far outweigh the benefits.

If you are concerned about your health, energy levels or think you might have lower than optimal healthy testosterone levels, please read The Testosterone Switch, and consider starting Dr. Smith’s 3 Step Plan toward a better you.

Those of you who follow my blog and are familiar with my website will be familiar with Dr. Kyl and know I have recommended this book before. It is such an important issue, and I have been so pleased with my own personal results as I work the plan, that I just had to recommend it again.

It is currently only available through Progressive Laboratories 1-800-527-9512. Ask for Nancy https://www.smallpieces.com/content/chapter1.html Craig and be sure to tell them Dr. William Koch recommended you call. If you prefer you can email Nancy Craig at [email protected] and tell her I referred you and you want a copy of the book, The Testosterone Switch.

In my next blog I will be further discussing issues of low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, cardio vascular dysfunction and how they are interrelated and connected.

In the meantime I encourage your questions and comments. You may email me at [email protected].

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Bitter Pill

Bitter Pill: The Dangerous Side Effects
of Fluoridated Antibiotics

Visit the Mercola Video Library

By Dr. Mercola

Fluoroquinolones are among the most dangerous drugs on the market and should be avoided unless your life depends on it. Despite their dangers, they’re the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics in the United States… In 2010, Bayer’s top two fluoroquinolones (Cipro and Avalox) brought in $1 billion in sales.

That same year, Johnson & Johnson sold $1.3 billion-worth of its drug, Levaquin. All antibiotics carry a risk of side effects, but fluoroquinolones are in a class by themselves when it comes to potential health risks.

No other antibiotic carries as high a potential to cause serious, permanent injuries and even death, as the fluoroquinolones do. Despite their higher than normal risks, doctors frequently prescribe them as a first line of treatment even for mild infections. Always ask your doctor if there is a safer alternative.

And, adding insult to injury, most victims claim they were never warned that there are dire adverse effects associated with these antibiotics. I strongly advise you to educate yourself about the risks of fluoroquinolones, and refuse any prescription for these drugs unless absolutely necessary.

Click here to read the full article.


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Dangerous Seafood

Dangerous Seafood:
The Toxic Profits of Shrimp Farming and Tin Mining

The featured documentary by Earth Focus, an environmental investigative news magazine, reveals the toxic sides of the shrimp and smart phone industries.

Aquaculture promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing. But in reality, seafood farms cause as many problems as they solve, and may even be making matters worse. There’s really little difference, in terms of environmental pollution, between land-based feedlots and water-based ones.

As documented in the featured video, low fish stocks in the wild has led to illegal fishing—some of it within national park waters off the coast of Thailand—an area that now supplies much of the fish meal to feed factory farmed animals, including farmed shrimp and prawns.

Yes, immature tropical fish is now being turned into shrimp food. This has devastating effects on the ecosystem, and more…

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