New Year Resolution Number One

The perennial New Year Resolution number one is lose weight and get in shape. Unfortunately, 88% of these resolutions are forgotten or abandoned by mid February.

This happens for a number of reasons. Injuries are at the top of the list. People frequently injure themselves because they begin an exercise program that is much too vigorous for their level of strength and flexibility.

The way to avoid injury is to “Get in shape to get in shape.” That means achieving a preliminary level of strength and flexibility before undertaking a more ambitious exercise program.

Once the preliminary level of conditioning is reached, it is important to proceed cautiously. You must resist the temptation to do too much too soon.

The connective tissues of the body gain slowly in strength and flexibility. Just because you can do a certain exercise a few times does not mean that you should immediately increase the number of repetitions or increase the amount of resistance or weight too soon. Increasing weight and/or repetitions too rapidly is the next most common cause of exercise related injury.

Slower is better because gaining stamina is as important a goal as increasing strength. This takes time, but it is time well spent.

There is a tendency for people to think that they must always challenge themselves with more intense workouts. More weight, more repetition, walking or running farther and faster. This leads to turning exercise into a test of endurance instead of a stimulating release of physical and emotional tension and stress.

Once the idea of having an exercise session becomes drudgery, the mind will create endless excuses to avoid it. That is because avoidance of discomfort or pain will always override seeking pleasure.

The answer lies in adopting an exercise program that you enjoy, feels good and does not cause undue stress on the body.

The right exercise program is one that you can easily incorporate into a healthy lifestyle and that you will be willing and able to do over the long haul.

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